Saturday, May 2, 2009

I m the King of my LIfe...

忙碌的日子, 匆匆地过。。。
不知不觉。。。我的上班族生涯。。。匆匆地就过了 八个月。。。

这段日子。。。我早睡早起。。。戒了宵夜。。。。没有追看时下最流行的港剧。。就连我热爱的台湾偶像剧。。也只赶完了。。- 命中注定我爱你。。。

我好想做的事情很多。。。但。。。一到周末。。。我就好有心无力哦。。。我买了好多书。。。。。好想一次过看完。。。。可是看书的速度。。。已经无法像以前那么快了。。。好像 要花一些时间才能明白书中的意思。。。再看到柜上的书都还没开封。。。。一看到想买的书也只好忍着。。。



when you are busy everyday, time just flies...
when u look back....8 months had past without notification...
working life is really just like that....

I get up early...seldom stay up late...not having supper for quite a long time ( this seems good right)...

There are alot of things i wish to do....everytime...weekends come....i really dont feel like doing anything...

I bought alot of books...i want to read....i have tried to read...but just cant read as fast as before...just feel very hard to digest what is in the book...i have the whole book shelf full with books...some even untouch with the plastic cover on...when i drop by book store...i can just look at the book i want, take down the picture...make sure i will buy it nextime...

All i wish....lying on the sofa....Please dont disturb me....

I really feel that i dont have much time for myself...everyday i reach home around 9pm after dinner if have to stay back for work....or sometimes even reach home ard 10 pm...i can only do some simple laundry....simple cleaning....

i dont want to go anywhere.....i want to be at home.... the drama that i like....sleeping.....listen to the music i want..

Today...i m the King of my life.....


Chasing-Rainbows said...

Nobody can control your life, dear! Do whatever you want! Ask Yee Jiunn to leave u alone! HA HA

nobrand said...

haha.. tong xue men.. i can fully understand you.. cuz i reached home after dinner around 10pm or 11pm.. :( and is rushing for my stupid thesis now :( so right now im looking fwd to ur trip to sg.. ahha.. to gain bac some life :P

Cinderella-xmas said...

mtong xue men...i m looking forward for my trip too...lets go crazy and have fun together....
